Thumper's Z with New Paint

(paint done 01/05/2001...Christmas trip from Utah to San Diego and back)

What had to be done???

A major dent...some other small ones, and paint (estimated at $1300 in the US).

The work is done!!!

Right behind the passenger side wheel there is a little "elephant skin" on the paint job.

The polished rims look great on the road

Rocket Sled test in progress.

This pic gives a great view of the modernized taillights.

The muffler was oversprayed just a bit...should come off.

I had one small dent right behind the gas tank. I won't tell you why :)

I repainted the rear shade myself about 2 years ago...however, I didn't prep it, so I may be doing it again this summer.

The Eclipse was funny. I wanted to get more of the sticker shots...oh well.

My brother-in-law cockpitted from San Diego back to Utah...29 MPG!!!